FiberOptic Kft.

Company profile

Full name: FiberOptic Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Short name: FiberOptic Kft.
Location: Hungary
Physical address: H-3021, Lőrinci, Árpád utca 212.
Billing address: H-3021, Lőrinci, Táncsics Mihály utca 8.
Sector: Data & telecommunication
Established date: 8th March 2010
Number of employees: 20
Number of owners: 2
Central phone: +36 37 588 145


The company’s predecessor was founded as a partnership by the current owners back in 1999. Due to the constant growth of demand and range of services, in March 2010 FiberOptic Kft. was established and has been a key player in the Hungarian data- and telecommunication business ever since, offering the following services:

  • Assembly of passive optical components
  • Assembly of passive optical devices
  • Custom tailored, project/request specific design of passive optical components and devices
  • Installation of optical networks
  • Troubleshooting, repairing and mapping of optical networks
  • Technical consulting

The company was founded by current owners who have more than 30 years of experience in installing, repairing and testing optical networks, developing and manufacturing passive optical components.

Mission statement

Providing quality products and services utilizing our highly sophisticated production line and relying on the expertise of our experienced co-workers adapting to all the needs of our customers.

To meet these goals, we are:

  • Maintaining day-to-day touch with our partners,
  • Constantly developing and upgrading our production, testing and lab equipment,
  • Emphasizing on keeping our employees up-to-date with developments of the optical market,
  • Striving to not only meet, but exceed all the professional needs of our customers by being available 24/7 for technical feedback and troubleshooting.